our brief eye contact
confirmed Paris was indeed the city of love…

I resisted asking the red dun horse
sitting in their curved chrome trailer,

“Do you know how lucky you are to be on a cobblestone path underneath a bridge arch along the Seine?”

because they probably speak French

©️poem by Darlene (BonjourDarlene.com)

©️photo of a horse/cheval not in Paris, but in Davis, California by Darlene (BonjourDarlene.com)

Bonjour ! I’ll continue to write about my favorite French-inspired things, as well as books, chocolate, music, movies, and postcards, but to change things up a bit, I will also share a 50-word poem each day in the month of January!

These micro-poems are based on personal observations, pesky intrusive thoughts, and general anxiety about getting older.

I can only imagine how many more beautiful horses will be in Paris later this summer for the equestrian events which will take place at the Château de Versailles between July 27 and August 6, 2024!

Thanks for reading!

This poem is from my poem-a-day series (January 2024).